Sunday, April 10, 2016

Health and Beauty

Health and beauty as we all should know go hand in hand: When you are healthy you just feel beautiful!

In today's world being healthy, and staying healthy can be a challenge. With our air, water, and food constantly changing we struggle to maintain our good health, and good looks.

The days of clean air, pure water, and plenty of organic fruits, and vegetables are becoming a distant memory.
Today more than ever we have to take supplements and vitamins to enhance our food intake for proper nutrition; to remain healthy or to restore our health.
Even maintaining a healthy weight is more of a challenge.

As you may know when we get past age 30 we start losing our ability in most cases to just shed those extra pounds; and if we don't make a real effort to eat right, and work out, we pack on extra pounds pretty fast, which is the real reason most people fall victim to disease.

The most common diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, & heart disease have all been reversed by people making that lifestyle change in the way they eat, and has allowed them to put down excessive medication use.

Most people would be surprised at how a brisk 30 minute walk 5 to 6 days a week could help improve or maintain health.
You may be saying, people always say that, that's because it's true!

So here we are a third way through the new year, and I wonder how many people have stuck to their vow to lose weight, and get healthy? A lot I hope.
After all there is no shortage of good lifestyle change diets, or workout routines available for us to use.

However, walking is an easy way to get started, and walking reduces stress too.
You can work your way up to a more advanced workout pretty quick if you choose to.
And never let yourself tell you, you can't do it.

Now what about beauty?
There's an old saying that say's "beauty's only skin deep".
Ha! what a bunch of baloney.
I mean we understand the intent, & purpose behind the saying, sure, because some people feel that only looks are everything, and would not get to know the beautiful inside of someone.

However, with that being said, most people generally feel good when they look good.
Those who value their health often times value their looks too.
Which gets us back to my initial statement when I said,
"health and beauty goes hand in hand".

How you define beauty may be totally different from the next person, but if you put your body health first by drinking plenty of clean water, eating right, walking or working out, then your body beauty will flourish as well.

To sum things up, I would like to say, we live busy lives and with our world constantly changing, to be the best you, keep things simple.
If you haven't already done so start incorporating small daily changes that you can stick with to be healthier.
Before you know it, you'll be your totally healthy, beautiful self.
Last but not least maintain, maintain, maintain!

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