Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Welcome to our weight loss help & more blog.
We would like to share with you various articles to inform, and inspire you, and also suggest products to you to help you along on your weight loss journey, or, if you're just wanting to help yourself in other areas of Good Looks, Beauty, and Health.
Please share with a friend, and feel free to leave a comment. : )

Monday, April 18, 2016

Emotional Eating

You reach for an extra slice of pizza, cake, or binge on those salty, crunchy potatoe chips which most of us love.

The problem is, you're not hungry!
You're upset, you're bored, you're sad, or maybe you are happy! : )
Whatever it is that's causing you to eat other than hunger is known as emotional eating.

Emotional eating can be triggered by various things that happen in our lives.
We all have done it in some form.
The consequence is, if it continues, & continues on, the extra pounds find our bodies and come settle in, and it's usually in the areas of our body that we hate for them to be the most.

Unfortunately for us our emotions don't kick in and say Stop It!
So then you must be willing to work to do something different.

The solution to emotional eating really is to find something else 
to do that helps you cope with the emotions that does not involve binge eating, and reaching for those unhealthy foods, & snacks.

For example if you are upset you may need to cry, (men too) you could go out for a walk to calm down, & if you need to eat grab a celery stick.
If you're bored, call a friend & talk about things that interest you that don't involve food.
People say when they talk about food, or hear someone else talk about food they get hungry, hmm! This could also be a time for you to get some much needed extra sleep too.
If you're sad, depending on the source of your sadness maybe a nice long hug from someone could help, then talk & get it all out.
Cut up some apple slices for both of you if you have to eat, and then connect to the learning aspect of what happened.

See, although I don't consider myself to be an expert on emotional eating, my approach to it may be a little different because I understand that we are people, not robots, and most of us will probably always reach for something to eat when we're feeling certain ways.

A lot of women emotionally crave chocolate during their cycle, I say reach for the dark chocolate in moderation: it's healthier.

Even in our happy emotion of eating, no matter what the occasion you will probably have so much food to choose from.
However, I don't agree with over eating cake, ice cream, fatty, salty, sugary foods.
But yeah, enjoy yourself. : )

We all are sensible and we can take control of ourselves, and be accountable for our own health.
The main point here is to find way's other than binging on food to cope with & satisfy your emotions. 
And don't condemn yourself for set backs keep at it, you'll be fine.

I hope that you found this article in some way helpful to you.
I enjoyed writing it! 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Rid Yourself of the Gunk

For those of us who like to cleanse, cleansing your body of built up waste can be a very good thing.
Not only do you absolutely feel better physically, your mind clears too.
You can also shed several extra pounds by cleansing which is what we will focus on here: weight loss.
As you know everyone is different, so while some with cleansing, lose 15 lbs. others report 5 to 7 lbs. lost, but any loss is good loss.

Pure Colon Detox, is a natural colon cleanse that rids your body of waste and gives your digestion a powerful boost.
It also helps eliminate the causes for constipation, and other stomach issues. If you would like to try it out;
Get your  (FREE trial offer of pure colon detox here today!)

Pure Asian Garcinia
Pure asian garcinia a weight loss supplement, made from the tropical fruit garcinia cambogia, enhances the metabolism, rids the body of stored fat, and helps you control your appetite which keeps you from consuming unnecessary calories.
Garcinia Cambogia prevents fat formation from you eating carbohydrates and simple sugars: also works as an anti depressant which can improve your sleeping patterns.
(FREE Trial offer available while supplies last!)
                                                        Pure Colon Detox

Health and Beauty

Health and beauty as we all should know go hand in hand: When you are healthy you just feel beautiful!

In today's world being healthy, and staying healthy can be a challenge. With our air, water, and food constantly changing we struggle to maintain our good health, and good looks.

The days of clean air, pure water, and plenty of organic fruits, and vegetables are becoming a distant memory.
Today more than ever we have to take supplements and vitamins to enhance our food intake for proper nutrition; to remain healthy or to restore our health.
Even maintaining a healthy weight is more of a challenge.

As you may know when we get past age 30 we start losing our ability in most cases to just shed those extra pounds; and if we don't make a real effort to eat right, and work out, we pack on extra pounds pretty fast, which is the real reason most people fall victim to disease.

The most common diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, & heart disease have all been reversed by people making that lifestyle change in the way they eat, and has allowed them to put down excessive medication use.

Most people would be surprised at how a brisk 30 minute walk 5 to 6 days a week could help improve or maintain health.
You may be saying, people always say that, that's because it's true!

So here we are a third way through the new year, and I wonder how many people have stuck to their vow to lose weight, and get healthy? A lot I hope.
After all there is no shortage of good lifestyle change diets, or workout routines available for us to use.

However, walking is an easy way to get started, and walking reduces stress too.
You can work your way up to a more advanced workout pretty quick if you choose to.
And never let yourself tell you, you can't do it.

Now what about beauty?
There's an old saying that say's "beauty's only skin deep".
Ha! what a bunch of baloney.
I mean we understand the intent, & purpose behind the saying, sure, because some people feel that only looks are everything, and would not get to know the beautiful inside of someone.

However, with that being said, most people generally feel good when they look good.
Those who value their health often times value their looks too.
Which gets us back to my initial statement when I said,
"health and beauty goes hand in hand".

How you define beauty may be totally different from the next person, but if you put your body health first by drinking plenty of clean water, eating right, walking or working out, then your body beauty will flourish as well.

To sum things up, I would like to say, we live busy lives and with our world constantly changing, to be the best you, keep things simple.
If you haven't already done so start incorporating small daily changes that you can stick with to be healthier.
Before you know it, you'll be your totally healthy, beautiful self.
Last but not least maintain, maintain, maintain!

Simple Weight Loss Tips:

1. Eat less total calories, find healthier versions of your favorite foods, and stay away from white- flour, bread, sugar, rice,&pasta.

2. Weight training is said to be better than cardio, although it burns less fat than cardio, but you will build muscle which will help you firm up. Alternate the two if you want.

3. Eat more protein.
Eating more protein each day will allow you to keep muscle while losing fat: this way you won't be flabby.

4. Do not eat after 8:00 p.m. train yourself to not be a late night eater, we put on a lot of extra pounds eating late then going to bed.

5. Get some sleep.
The body needs sleep to rejuvenate, and to settle.
All of your hard work pays off best with proper sleep, 7 to 8 hours at least.

                           *Fat Burning Soup*
Cabbage - chopped
Carrots - sliced
Green Beans - cut
Zucchini - chopped
Bell pepper 1- chopped                    
Celery - chopped
Garlic - sliced
Onion 1 small - chopped
Tomato 1- diced
Tomato Juice 1 lg. bottle
Black beans 1 can
Onion soup pk. 
Chicken stock - cubes
Fill pot with 1/3 water & tomato juice bottle
Add carrots let them prepare some first before other ingredients
Add all other ingredients to a med. high heat prepare not too soft
Add black beans last
Serving Size = 1 cup  makes 12 Servings

Here are some great recommended products to assist you:


#1 Night Time Fat Burner

 EatSmart Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale

Are You Really Over Weight?

In our society there is constant pressure to be thin, and in shape.

We know that being in shape usually means being healthy, and our bodies are not so prone to sickness, & disease.

But I beg to differ with the idea that you must be skinny, and your ribs showing to claim you're physically fit.
We see these type of image examples being shown to us all the time, and most of us don't fit "that" bill, & don't want to.

I'm not a size 6 and it's okay.
Most of the women I know aren't either, and we all overall are pretty healthy people.

I've lost weight, put it back on, & lost it again.
Currently after reducing 25 lbs. I'm keeping it off.
I won't push here, what I did to lose, because everyone is different, and it's really about your individual goals, & what works for you.
I will say, choose a safe, & healthy method.

Here I have listed the "proper" weight they say you should be according to your height.
Don't worry if you don't fit exactly, most people don't, and although losing a lot of extra pounds is an excellent idea, do not put on more weight worrying about an extra 10 to 15 pounds.

You know the medical society likes to name everything, even our supposed flaws, for example, the term "obese". 
Well any way here is the chart,

5'1" 100 to 131 lbs.  5'2" 104 to 135 lbs.   5'3" 107 to 140 lbs.
5'4" 110 to 144 lbs.  5'5" 114 to 149 lbs.   5'6" 118 to 154 lbs.
5'7" 121 to 158 lbs.  5'8" 125 to 163 lbs.   5'9" 128 to 168 lbs.
5'10" 132 to 173 lbs.- 5'11" 136 to 178 lbs.  6' 140 to 183 lbs.

Saturday, April 9, 2016


Cellulite is nothing more than fat that sits right beneath the skin.
It looks like large dimples that appear on the buttocks, hips, and thighs.
Although men can have cellulite too, it's most common on a woman's body. 
And contrary to popular belief, thin people also have cellulite -- it does not discriminate!
So we can stop thinking it's just the fatties that have it, not at all. I know in general people are tired of the cremes, and potions, that promise to rid us of these ugly butt, & thigh dimples, right?

Cellulite keeps us from showing off our legs, and wearing those favorite shorts. And on beach, and swim days, we don't dare wear clothing or swim suits that expose these lumps and bumps! 
All women's bodies are different and although cellulite is fat that sits beneath the skin, all cases are not the same.

What we eat may play a large part in helping us rid our bodies of this ugly skin condition.
It is just a matter of finding what works for you on the inside and the outside.

Here is a very popular, effective method!

Cellulite Gone- No Weight Loss No Gym Routine

Thursday, April 7, 2016


Diabetes is supposedly a life long condition that causes a person's blood sugar level to become too high.
There are two types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2.

Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in younger people, when their body does not produce insulin, and does not break down sugar, and starches to produce glucose from the blood to go into the body's cells.

Type 2 diabetes- most common form.
The body does not use insulin properly, which is called insulin resistance, and the pancreas has to make extra insulin to make up for it.
But over time the body is not able to make enough insulin to keep
the blood glucose at normal levels.

There has been several studies on the subject of diabetes over these recent years.
Reportedly there are 30 million people in the U.S. population that have diabetes, & millions more of undiagnosed cases.

Like being over weight, this subject too, is also very familiar to a lot us, I've seen two loved one's have their leg amputated due to this disease.... and although prevention is the key, recent doctor studies have found a simple way; (if put into action,) that can reverse the ill's of diabetes. Please learn more, a must read  ebook here!

Other great products: 
Here is another great book for a natural solution to diabetes: The End of Diabetes
Betty Crocker Diabetes Cookbook: Great-tasting, Easy Recipes for Every Day (Betty Crocker   Cooking)